Clean, Sustainable, and Safe

Xaralyn Fire Systems

Clean, Sustainable, and Safe

Choose a Xaralyn Fireplace

Looking to save on your heating costs? Wondering how to do it? The government might have those ads suggesting: take shorter showers, cook electrically, and lower the thermostat by a few degrees... It's easy to say to lower the thermostat by a few degrees, but do you really want to compromise on your living comfort? Certainly not!

You don't have to compromise on your living comfort at all! At Xaralyn, we offer electric fireplaces  and bio ethanol fireplaces, that allow you to save on your heating costs without sacrificing your comfort. Most electric fireplaces can function as supplementary heating sources, allowing you to lower the thermostat a bit and rely on electricity for additional warmth. This way, you save on heating costs, which in most cases would be related to gas heating.

Electric heaters typically have 3 settings: no heating but with flames, and 2 heating levels. If you choose a built-in model, you can determine how and where you want to install the fireplace. You can embed an electric fireplace in MDF. If you opt for a model with a mantel, Xaralyn offers various possibilities and options here as well! 

​On the other hand, bio ethanol fireplaces can heat larger spaces, and in some cases, you might not even need the central heating. Inbuilt units are also available for bio ethanol fireplaces, allowing you to create your own atmosphere. Of course, bio ethanol burners with mantels are also available in different models and designs. However, a bio ethanol fireplace doesn't have a thermostat. While bio ethanol fireplaces offer clean combustion, proper ventilation is still necessary. 

For both electric and bio ethanol fireplaces, there's no need to invest in an expensive chimney or smoke vent. 

Conclusion: Yes, you can save on your heating costs with a relatively low investment!

Buy Your Fireplace Safely and Confidently
Xaralyn Fire Systems