ZMake your own bioethanol (table) fireplace

How affordable is a DIY bio-ethanol burner

Making your own low-budget bio-ethanol burner

We've spotted a new trend on TikTok and Instagram: 'How to make your own low-budget bioethanol burner?' 

With catchy phrases like: 'Buy a ceramic pot at Action and make your own DIY bioethanol burner', 'DIY fire pit in a few steps', 'DIY fire bowl' etc., you'll find numerous videos where you can easily set up a fire indoors in just a few steps.

Buy a container to ignite the bioethanol in. Add a bit of cotton and your own low-budget bioethanol burner is a reality.

The simplest and cheapest bioethanol burner is a container where you pour in the bioethanol, light it, and you're done. But believe us, this is a burner you'll regret using for many years to come.

DIY Bio ethanol brander

Bioethanol has never been more popular​

Bioethanol is popular and rightly so. It's a clean, renewable fuel that you can simply use indoors. But with the popularity of bioethanol also come the dangers. More and more videos are appearing where influencers show how fun it is to make and use your own bioethanol burner.​

But let's not forget that bio-ethanol also has another side. It's highly flammable and can lead to nasty accidents if used incorrectly. Fortunately, within Europe, a European Standard has been developed (EN 16647:2015) to protect consumers from unsafe products.​

So, as tempting as it may be to experiment on your own, please keep it safe. And when it comes to safety, the patented ceramic bio-ethanol burner from Xaralyn is the best choice. All tests have shown that this is the safest bioethanol burner available. 

Is a cheap bio-ethanol burner really that cheap?

Do you think you're getting a good deal with a cheap burner? Think again. This ceramic burner is sometimes up to 4 times more efficient than other burners!

With a price of €3.00 per liter for bioethanol, you save a whopping 75%! That is a saving of €2.25 per liter. A saving that you'll quickly recoup, especially with a larger burner.

What about cheap bioethanol then?

Let's complete the story with the fuel itself.

There are different types of bioethanol:

  1. Pure new bio-ethanol: This has a natural balance with 2% water. Something is added to make it unsuitable for consumption. This brings the alcohol content to approximately 96%.
  2. Bioethanol with a higher water percentage: This burns lower and shorter.
  3. Recovered bioethanol from industry: This is often used as a cleaning agent in industry and can be recognizable by unpleasant odors.

A safe ceramic bioethanol burner from Xaralyn is the best buy (and cheaper than you might expect). This ceramic bioethanol burner prevents accidents and consumes less fuel than cheap junk, quickly recouping the higher purchase price.​

Preventing Smoke Nuisance
Xaralyn Fire Systems