Room divider with Xaralyn bioethanol burner at de Grote Huisverbouwing on SBS6



De grote huis verbouwing

The Xaralyn built-in bioethanol burner with ceramic stone is an innovative addition to any space, creating a warm and atmospheric ambiance. With its easy installation, this burner is particularly suitable for various applications, such as room dividers, cinewalls, or various DIY projects. The possibilities are truly endless.

The use of bioethanol as fuel not only makes this built-in burner environmentally friendly but also extremely safe. Bioethanol is a renewable and sustainable fuel that burns completely without leaving harmful substances, resulting in a clean and smoke-free flame. This not only makes the Xaralyn built-in burner a beautiful addition to your space but also a responsible choice for the environment.

Watch the episode and get inspired!

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in SBS
Fireplace Xaralyn Quero at de Grote Tuinverbouwing on SBS6